Category: National Poem Writing Month

Slowly, silently, now the moon

Full_Moon_____Midnight_Forest_by_GothrixNaPoWriMo Poem: Day 1

Slowly, silently, now the moon

Shines upon us, bright as the noon.

Waxing and waning with a pull on the mind

The makes us and breaks us with a mental decline.

Lunacy they say is hidden in that glow

That starts so far away, so soft and lo–

With each quarter, each half and each full

The sea is renewed, sands stirred by its’ pull.

Night comes alive, the dark things come in its’ wake.

The people of the underbelly, emerge with a shake.

Off come the barriers with the cry of the loon.

Slowly, silently, now the moon.

NaPoWriMo 2013


Getting ready to start NoPoWriMo 2013!  A day late only because I  forgot about it yesterday.  Working late days throws me off sometimes!  I am ready!  I want to really finish this year!  I am determined.

Storm Watching


jagged edges pierce the night.
bright shards of light break the darkness.
odorious, ozone currents of plazma blue the air.


drummers pounding on a million skins wake the silence.
deep rumbling shakes every soul.
broken is the sweet envelope of slumber.


a single drop leads to a sunami of liquid sunshine.
steady downpours purge the earth.
the afterscent is a clean, fresh perfume.

Spring has Sprung

Catepillars are inching their way to transformation into gossamer-winged beauties. Buds peek from their winter graves enticed by bright beams and buzzing bees. Flittering are the squirrels racing hither and to. Gliding and jumping and gathering food.

Morning is filled with a cacophony of sound. Sit. Quietly listen to a plethora of bird song. Spoiled breath from the night is renewed by cool ribbons of air. Kissed by dew and cooled by the moon, it freshens the day. Sunlight streams in forming mirror images on the sheetrocked walls. A new day has begun. Spring has sprung.

Left of Center: Thursday Poets Rally 41

Angles a’jangle and elbows akimbo,
Eyes and limbs askew.
A hem hanging down and a tilt-a-wheel hat
defined all life that he knew.

Life was a cobblestone complete with a trip
On each and every third stone.
Storms with gale force winds was all he had every known.

The wind ripped his umbrella backwards.
Rain danced familiarly on his head.
Life was left of center
with elusive bits of brightness
that sparkled in the labyrinth of his head.


He wore the face of a jackal underneath his public face of sly.
Sly as a fox.
Smoooooooth as cream.
Words from a serpent with a two sided tongue.

She wore the face of an innocent, underneath her public face of perplex.
Perflexed by him.
Bothered by him.
Understanding words from his two slotted tongue.

Together they danced a dance,
Faces twisting and twirling in the wind.
Out of sync and with limbs disjointed,
Assemble, changement, plié,  relevé.

Lead was the jackal.
The next day lead was the jackal.
Lead was always the jackal.
No chance had the innocent except on the sly.

Finally the jackel wore thin and innocence looked away.
Looked away to a new face, an inward face. Her face.
Made new.
Now a bit smoother.
Now a bit sly.


Ebony. Cocoa.
Ecru. Maize or Saffron Yellow?
Dazzle us with a hue
that uniquely belongs to you.

Wavy. Kinky.
Mane relaxed or braided back?
Parade your hair like a crown.
Never cast your eyes down.

Pixied. Scanty.
Skeletonly thin?
Mammoth? Unctuous?
Marred in skin?
Steep in virtuous health.
Sleep in heaven’s wealth.

Jeweled eyes brilliant and emphatical.
Enerringly. Calamitous.
Dive to the wisdom of old.
Dive via the gateways to the soul.

First Sight

the first sight of the first child
brings immeasurable joy.

a mothers’ love, fierce and one minded,
never waivers, never toys.

a precious girl, perfumed and sweet,
wearing the smile of angels,
reiterates what came before.
what every mother knows.

the first sight of the first child
brings immeasurable joy.


Enigma of mine, riddle in time,
I want you.

Born of concertos loud in pleasure,
drowned in drums.

Sweet dreamed and longed for.
Always talked of.
Not afar.

Real by the blue dot.
Real by my doc.
Real by me.

Horrid suddenly. Simmered in sin.
Loathed by he.
He called your father.
He hailed the reaper.
Cowards’ spawn.

Stayed by my boot tips.
Gone forever, he who reaps.

Mystery of life,
love-bathed by one.
Mother love.

Enigma of mine, riddle in time,
I love you.

Pwoermd: NaPoWriMo 3

Make up a pwoerm. Using 2-3 words.

buffermentality:buffer, ferment, mentality

stinkspottery: stink, inkspot, pottery

sprummering: spring, summer

darkansaw: dark, arkansaw

singleemur: single, glee, lemur

muddermure: mud, udder, demure

searear: sea, are, area, rear